ultimate frisbee

Poetry Saturday: The Glass of Monkeysweep

This is a poem that I remember clearly! During P.E. class my sophomore year of high school, we were required to choose different sports to participate in during class. For part of a semester, one of the sports I chose was ultimate Frisbee. We learned the rules of the game, how to throw a Frisbee, and part of the class was play games and compete in teams. The inspiration for this poem came from a great catch that I made during one match. I was wide open near the end zone (no one covers me ever when I play sports), and the person throwing the Frisbee (I don't remember who) had no one to throw it to but me since everyone else was blocked. He threw it. It was a big Hail Mary, and I caught it! Points for our team!

The "monkeysweep" referred to our victory move we did when we scored a point. We would take the Frisbee and "sweep" is across the grass, hence the name. "Buns" was our team word for the short pass when we were open, so we were supposed to shout that word when we were ready for a pass. "Weiner" was our word for a long pass. I'd like to think that I didn't shout, "Weiner," when I caught the big Hail Mary, but I can't guarantee that. After all, I was the only one open, so I might not have had a choice.

The Glass of Monkeysweep


Taste the victory of green

in the glass of monkeysweep

pour in that touchdown wine

and toast to green's triumph


Buns! Buns! Buns!

A short pass to the other

Vwip, vwip, vwip

stealthy through the defense


Weiner! Weiner!

The pinnacle of the game

Hail Mary to the end zone

Throw it out there, long and hard


The jargon of the Ultimate

the win spun on a disc

Taste the victory of green

in the glass of monkeysweep