Seems like a given that when learning how to blog, one should do his or her best with every single post. The reason this is highlighted today is because when one writes great posts, others would like to repost them or to syndicate them, which means more recognition for you.
Case in point are the articles below. Some are reprints/syndications (with permission) from my blog. Others are reprints/syndications of work that I've done for clients and other blogs. Not only does seeing these articles in publications I may not have heard of before make you warm and fuzzy inside, but each reprint is a vote of approval for your work. That's always good to get, especially if it's tough to get validation for your hard work as it is (I'm a single member LLC. So, unless I ask someone specifically about this, I don't get it)
Anyway, here's that list I mentioned, in no structured order:
Tablets Improve Productivity and Work Life Balance, Survey Says - International Business Times New York
3 Ways to Make Managing Email Easier - My Business Tech Blog
Tech Tool of the Week: Twitter Landing Pages - Tweeting and Business
How to Blog: Always Do Good Work. No Matter What - The Big G and Business
Business Blogging Help: What to Publish - LI and Business
3 Important Principles in Creating Remarkable Content - FB and Business
Technology advances - Tools or Toys? - Hampton Roads Business Journal (okay, this one is just a quote rather than a reprint. But, it's still cool when another publication considers you a credible source!)
Small Businesses Can Use Social Media to Recruit New Talent - (this one is a summary of an article that I wrote. Misspellings and other error not mine. I promise.)
Making the Sale on Point of Sale Software: A Short Guide - SoHo Today
40% of Mobile Holiday Shoppers are Frustrated: What a Small Biz to Do? - Business Insider
3 Easy Ways to Prevent Your Data from Being Tracked - HyperStreet