A mistake that I see a lot in business blogging is that the blog titles are not specific enough. When blog titles are too vague, not only do they not full tell the reader what the blog post is about, but the vague blog title makes it harder for your post to rank on search engines. Blog titles are just as important to the SEO mix as the content itself, the meta descriptions, tags, hyperlinking, photos etc. The titles are the first thing readers see (and may be the only thing they read) before deciding whether to read the post, so it needs to count.
The way to make your blog titles more search engine friendly is to make them more specific. More specific means that it ranks for a long-tailed keyword related to your industry instead of a generic keyword that's not necessarily related. To start, let's illustrate a blog title that's vague and not very search engine friendly:
It may seem specific and straightforward, but it's really not. What about keeping a business calendar? Is the post about how to keep one? Why we should keep one? What kind of business calendar? Weekly, monthly, yearly, insurance, finance, appointment? The questions can go on for a while. Utilizing these questions, here's how this title can be made more specific and more search engine friendly (each change is underlined):
- Keeping a Weekly Business Calendar
- Keeping a Weekly Business Insurance Calendar
- How to Keep a Weekly Business Insurance Calendar
- How to Keep a Weekly Business Insurance Calendar in 5 Steps
- How to Keep a Weekly Business Insurance Calendar in 5 Simple Steps
- insurance business calendar
- weekly insurance business calendar
- how to keep a keep a weekly insurance business calendar
- keeping a weekly insurance business calendar
- keeping an insurance business calendar