Because freelancers tend to work alone, or with a limited staff, there's little time for much else besides getting work done for clients. Some might question what benefits there could be in the additional time spent creating and maintaining a website.
The answer is that there are many benefits to having your own website on your own domain, versus just having a Facebook page or a kind of site. Here are nine of them:
1. Having a business website reinforces your credibility. One of the easiest ways to demonstrate your credibility and professionalism as a freelancer is a structured, well-planned website. It should feature excellent content, great design and it should be easy to browse (navigate) through. Businesses are now judged by how their websites look—for better or worse—and one that is serious about wanting a customer's business will almost always have a great website.
2. It helps you to be found. A website will direct prospects to your office, and provide them with contact information in case they have questions or want to hire you. It works 24/7/365, to use the old cliche, to help your potential customers find you.
3. It provides information. Many buyers go online to look for a product or service way before they ever make that first contact. In fact, it’s what they find during that search that usually determines with whom that first contact is made. Again, your site works even when you aren’t, and provides them with information about what you have to offer whenever they go looking.
4. It answers FAQs (frequently asked questions). How much time is spent answering the same questions over and over again? A page on a website will help with that, by providing the answers before they can ask the questions. Having a blog on your website can also help answer these questions, so you don't have to waste time answering these questions over and over again for people who might not necessarily buy from you.
5. It allows customer feedback. Even though you may never meet any of your customers face-to-face, or even talk to them on the phone, they still have a way to provide you with feedback about your business—both positive and negative. Through complaints, suggestions and testimonials, you can improve to meet the needs of its clientele.
6. It helps with networking. You might learn of another business that offers the very product or provides a certain service that your customers have been asking you about. Whether you make the sale or close the deal, or through your recommendation the other business does, you look like a hero to your customer.
7. It provides a URL (uniform resource locator), or web address, that can be passed on. “A friend of mine bought XYZ from ‘’. He was very happy with it, and is looking to get a few more.” How effective is that type of word-of-mouth advertising?
8. It provides competition for your competition. It’s likely your competitors already have websites. Now you do too, putting you on at least level ground with them.
9. It can provide you with sales leads with no additional effort from you.