
Tech Tool of the Week: LastPass

As a content marketer, you have to deal with a lot of logins and passwords, especially if you do a lot of blogging work for your clients. I have five separate accounts just for Wordpress, each with their own unique login and password. How do you keep track? Well, I do it with this week's Tech Tool of the Week: LastPass.

LastPass is a password management software that autofills every login screen name, so you don't have to tell the computer to "remember me" or look up a password. It's also much more secure than using the same one or two passwords for everything. After all, if your computer, or even one of your networks, gets hacked into, then everything can easily be jeopardized. That can easily be avoided with LastPass. The best part: LastPass is completely free.

I've been using LastPass for about a week now and I absolutely love it. I only have to remember one password, and that's the one that gets into LastPass itself. If I ever set up a new account with whatever it may be, LastPass records it and the program will do the autofill like it does for everything else. If I ever need a new password for anything, LastPass will generate that for me and save it. This program has been incredibly helpful, remembering all my different Wordpress, social networking, and other online accounts. Wordpress is especially key since someone else sets up those logins and passwords for me. Now, there's no need to save the emails so I have the information, and no need to go in and change the password to something easy to remember. I just use LastPass.

The software works on just about any platform, including mobile platforms. It'll also switch between browsers easily. I just switched from Firefox to Chrome. Firefox was getting way too buggy. Anyway, LastPass moved over with me with no problems. And I recommend that you move over to LastPass.