Why We Use HubSpot (and Why You Should Too)

HubSpotWe have been using HubSpot for much of our marketing for almost 18 months know, and we don't regret the decision one bit. In fact, we wouldn't be where we are today without HubSpot, and we wouldn't be able to provide the services that we provide, with the knowledge that we have, without their previous experience and knowledge in inbound marketing. If you have no idea what marketing software or HubSpot could do for you, then learn why we use HubSpot. If you want what we have, then you'll want HubSpot too.

Impressive Improvement

When we first got HubSpot in November 2011, we were getting a whopping 93 visitors a month! We weren't blogging regularly. We didn't have much of a social media presence, and we didn't understand how to use lead generation content and landing pages to turn our website into something that actually generates leads. Fast forward 18 months, and we average 1,500 visitors a month, we blog three times a week, we have 12 landing pages/lead generation offers (and counting), and we're actually generating a few solid leads each month. There's still plenty of room for improvement, but we have made leaps and bounds over the past 18 months, and we think that they are leaps and bounds from which  every business could benefit.

Robust Analytics

Inbound marketing is all about, and HubSpot shows you data about your website that similar tools don't. Sure, nearly every tool shows you how many visitors you received today, but only HubSpot shows your visitors for this month versus last month, or versus your three-month average, or versus this month last year. Sure, almost every tool has something that tracks sources, but HubSpot also tracks your competitors, showing you how your inbound links compares to theirs, how your traffic compares to theirs, and how your overall online marketing compares to theirs. Nothing feels better than knowing you're marketing yourself better than your competitor.

Comprehensive Online Presence Management

It's all-in-one marketing software for a reason. It has a great email tool (which they just updated, by the way) that is not only easier to use than before, but is much easier to use than email marketing tools like Constant Contact. The templates are ready to go, so it doesn't feel like you need to find an awesome design template or need to do anything extra to make your email marketing effective and professional. The social media publishing is also comprehensive, allowing us to publish for our clients as well as ourselves and even suggesting times that would be best for publication.

However, our favorite tool in HubSpot is the keyword tool. Not only does it offer up suggestions and show competitiveness like Google Analytics, but it shows you how you rank for keywords that you want to rank for. This allows us to know which keywords we're solid on, and which ones could use additional work (improved pages, a blog post or two, maybe an offer etc.) As a compliment, if we find out in our Source section that we are getting traffic for certain keywords, we can add them to the keyword tool to find out how we rank and what pages are ranking for that keyword. This is valuable for any business, not just a content marketing firm like ourselves.

They Don't Leave You Hanging

One of our favorite things about HubSpot is that they do more than sell inbound marketing software. They don't just make the transaction, say "thank you very much", and leave you hanging to perfect your business blogging or your sales funnel or your lead generation content on your own. They have a TON of resources, everything from product training webinars to white papers, from eBooks to their blog that designed to help you use their product better and to do your best inbound marketing. These resources cover everything from social media marketing to search engine optimization, from writing great lead generation emails to developing your marketing personas. The best part about these resources isn't that they are incredibly helpful, but that you get them at no additional cost.

Are you ready to find out what HubSpot is all about? Fortunately, they have a free demo. That's how awesome they are.

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